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COLOUR ME SMOOTH   Suggest Change

Born: 05-12-2012     Sire: A SMOOTH GUY     Mother: COLOURS OF A LADY    Owner: KALIE M CORLEY    Breeder: BILL OR DEBBIE MYERS

Total prize collected: $ 3,639.00 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
TAMI SEMAS15.92469 Barrel Race - Futurity Go 2Barrel Futurities of America World Finals 12/05/2016$ 0.00
TAMI SEMAS16.1395 Barrel Race - Futurity Go 1Barrel Futurities of America World Finals 12/05/2016$ 0.00
TAMI SEMAS16.8151 Barrel Race - Open 5DTexas Extreme Barrel Race 01/01/2017$ 119.00
TAMI SEMAS17.01722 Barrel Race - Futurity Go 1Texas Best Barrel Classic 01/05/2017$ 0.00
JENNIFER NEUDORF17.5990 Barrel Race - Big Bang Pool A Round 2Big Bang Barrel Race 08/06/2024$ 622.00
SAVANNAH PALMORE17.880 Barrel Race - 4D ROUND 1Ruby Buckle Regional Race 06/03/2020$ 826.00
Kalie Corley17.9340 Barrel Race - Open 4D 1st GoRuby Buckle Regional Race 04/25/2021$ 1,036.00
Kalie Corley17.9340 Barrel Race - Breakaway Futurity 1st GoRuby Buckle Regional Race 04/25/2021$ 1,036.00
JENNIFER NEUDORF18.0330 Barrel Race - Big Bang Pool A Round 1Big Bang Barrel Race 08/06/2024$ 0.00
TAMI SEMAS33.91716 Barrel Race - Futurity AverageTexas Extreme Barrel Race 01/01/2017$ 0.00